Expected Earthquake, Volcanic or Storm Activity
for the Next 1-5 Days

Are YOU Prepared?

February 9, 2005
By Stan Deyo
Home https://standeyo.com

Major areas of interest: Of particular note is the Juan de Fuca region of the Pacific Northwest. Other areas to watch include Hawaii, the Mediterranean, the mid-North Atlantic, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Zealand and from Ecuador to Panama.

The area building around Hawaii has been developing over the last four days and may indicate a buckling in the region.

(DEYO NOTES: Ecuador's Geophysics Institute at the National Polytechnic School, does not list quakes on a daily basis as does the USGS and other entities, but when there are significant events, they post them in PDFs. A sometimes more all-encompassing earthquake resource than USGS is EMSC - European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre. Go to their current map, go to their current list.

Stan's analysis shows areas of possible earthquake or volcanic activity, or extreme storm conditions for the next 1 to 5 days. Pay particular attention to areas marked by white circles. The continuous yellow line denotes plate tectonic boundaries as well as the Ring of Fire.

Disclaimer: Some of the forecast stress areas can be in error up to 30% due to cloud cover interference and false signals from buoys.